編程及STEAM嘉年華 2023 — 報名表格(公眾)




(Scratch Jr.)
(Scratch & micro:bit)
(App Inventor)
VR 體驗 家長講座
容納人數 20對親子 23對親子 21對親子 24對親子 15對親子 600
主要對象 K3至小三 小三至小五 小四至小五 小五至小六 任何年級 所有參加者






  • 《編程及STEAM嘉年華》(以下稱「嘉年華」)由「賽馬會運算思維教育」計劃策劃,而「賽馬會運算思維教育」計劃由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金策劃及捐助而成,並由香港教育大學、美國麻省理工學院及香港城市大學共同策劃(以下統稱「大會」)。
  • 參加者於嘉年華所提供之個人資料將用於是次嘉年華用途,並會絕對保密。參加者提供資料純屬自願,然而,在個人資料不足夠的情況下,參加者將無法參加嘉年華。參加者已閱讀、理解並同意有關法律及個人私隱政策,並同意所提供的資料將由大會按該政策作保存和使用。
  • 參加者明白大會將以相片及錄像攝錄參加者於嘉年華中的肖像,並同意大會可以將其相片、影片、錄像及錄音用於不同媒體中,以作香港賽馬會慈善信託基金或香港教育大學進行任何與編程及運算思維教育相關的活動。
  • 參加者確認自願參與嘉年華的所有活動。參加者必須自行衡量身體狀況,確保有能力參加此活動,並將自行承擔在參與嘉年華期間所發生的任何意外,導致受傷、死亡或財物損失。參加者無權向大會就參加者在往返嘉年華的場地、嘉年華期間所發生或其引致之自身受傷、意外、死亡或任何形式的損失索償或追討責任。
  • 參加者有權存取或更改已提交的個人資料。如你希望存取或更改任何資料,請電郵至[email protected]聯絡我們。
  • 有關更多個人私隱條款及細則,可參閱https://www.eduhk.hk/en/privacy-policy

Terms and Conditions

  • The Coding and STEAM Fair (The Fair) is organized under the CoolThink@JC Programme. CoolThink@JC is created and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, and co-created by The Education University of Hong Kong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and City University of Hong Kong.
  • Personal data collected from Participants will be used for the Fair, and will be kept strictly confidential. The choice by participants to provide personal data is entirely voluntary. However, failure to provide the data required may result in unsuccessful enrollment. Participants agree that the information provided can be kept and used in accordance with the Legal and Privacy Policy which participants have read, understood and agreed to.
  • Participants agree to be photographed and video-taped while participating in the Fair. The Hong Kong Jockey Club or The Education University of Hong Kong will use the photographs, films, videos and recordings in various media for any legal purpose in relation to coding and computational thinking education activities without prior notice and compensation to participant.
  • Participation in The Fair is voluntary and at the own risk of participants. Participants certify that he or she is in good health and has no physical or medical condition that would prevent participation in the Fair. Participants acknowledge his or her full responsibility of any injury, death and loss to personal property while participating in the Fair. The Organizer is not responsible for any liability, injury, death, loss, costs or expenses that participants may incur (howsoever arising) in participating in the Fair. Participants agree to absolve the Organizer from any and all liabilities arising from bodily injuries, accidents, death or other losses during or caused by travelling to and from the Fair venue, during the Fair or whatsoever reason.
  • You have the right to request access to and correction of information held by us about you. If you wish to access or correct your personal data, please contact us at [email protected]
  • The Privacy Policy Statement of The Education University of Hong Kong can be access at https://www.eduhk.hk/en/privacy-policy